Mengembalikan Account Facebook Yang Di Hack

resah FaceBook di hack ?

selama account email tidak di ganti agan masih sanggup ngembaliin pake reset password
tapi klo email ikut di hack ?
waah itu beda ceritanya, kayanya kurang kerjaan juga ya orang yang ngeHack account FB kita.. tapi damai aja.. ngga ada penyakit yang ngga sanggup di obatin. sehabis aku browsing sana sini balasannya ketemu juga caranya yang maparin tidak mengecewakan rinci.. emangsi waktu yang dibutuhin tidak mengecewakan usang sanggup hingga 2 minggu.. tapi itung itung itu sebuah bayaran untuk keteledoran kita.. nah eksklusif aja kita simak bae bae.. 
cara di bawah ini sanggup dipakai pada FaceBook dalam kondisi :
  • account FB di Hack email Log in jga di ganti
  • email juga di hack jadi ngga mungkin merecover lewat email
ciri - ciri :
bila agan logn in akan muncul peringatan menyerupai berikut :

step 1
kunjungi alamat ini!/help/?page=1024
maka akan muncul lmbar menyerupai di bawah ini.. agan eksklusif aja pilih yang no 3

nb: sebab email account sudah di ganti jadi ga sanggup pake yang pilihan 1 , yang masih memungkinkan pilihan 2 atau 3

step 2
sehabis mengisi form data yang di minta klik [ identify me ]

akan muncul scurity chek, masukan random carakternya.

kalau profil yang muncul benar profil agan klik [ This is Me ]

kemudian masukan data yang di minta berikun ini kemudian klik [ Submit ]

Selanjut anda akan mendapat email dari Facebook yang mengkonfirmasikan anda telah merequest menambahkan email orisinil anda ke account FB anda. Judulnya: Re: My Account Has Been Hacked And My Login Email Has Been Changed.

Tunggu hingga email pemberitahuan bahwa email telah ditambahkan terus anda sanggup lanjutkan untuk mereset password account FB anda.


Biasanya anda tidak akan mendapat jawaban dalam waktu singkat sebab orang yang mengalami problem serupa juga banyak. Setelah beberapa hari anda sanggup mencoba menghubungi kembali admin FB dengan mereply email tersebut.

Bagi yang Inggrisnya pas-pas-an ini ada templatenya. Tinggal di ganti saja pada kepingan yang di berwarna BIRU

Hi Team,

I am contacting you as it has been almost a week I received no response since my first reset password request submitted.
I would appreciate you expedite the reset password process so that I can continue using my FB account.
I am also concerning about the fraud activities if the account could not be recovered soon.

Please see my confirmations below:

1. Confirm that you are the owner of the account referenced in your original inquiry.
Yes I am the owner of this FB profile:[your_fb_id]
2. Confirm that you own the email address from which you are currently writing.
Yes I confirmed I own this email address.
3. Provide a brief description of the issue you are experiencing.
My account was hacked and my email login was changed by the hacker so that I am unable to use reset password functionality.

If you need more data for verifying, I am happy to provide so.
Thanks for your support.

[Your Name]

Tolong diperhatikan, ialah penting mencantumkan 3 point di atas menyerupai yang di request di email

Ini ialah sample email yang diterima dari admin FB sehabis mereply email dari FB:


We apologize for our delayed response to your inquiry. Unfortunately, due to high contact rates, we have not yet been able to investigate this report. If you have resolved this issue on your own or already been assisted and the reported account is no longer compromised, please ignore this email.

You have reported that the contact email address on your Facebook account has been replaced by someone else. Again, if you are able to find an email with the subject "Facebook Contact Email Change Notification," you may be able to cancel this change and regain access to your account.

If the email from which you are writing was never associated with the reported account, we suggest that you contact your email service provider to regain access to your login email account. Once you have regained access to your email, you can use the "Forgot your password?" link that appears below the Password field on the Facebook login page.
If this does not resolve your issue because you cannot locate the contact change notification or are unable to regain access to your email account, let us know and we will investigate further. In your response, please indicate whether the email address you are using was previously associated with the reported account. We apologize for the delay and inconvenience.

Thank you for your patience,

User Operations

Sample email reset password dari customer support FB:


You recently asked to reset your Facebook password. To complete your request, please follow this link:

Alternately, you may go to and enter the following confirmation code:

XXXXXXXXX (edited)

Please note: for your protection, a copy of this email has been sent to all the email addresses associated with your Facebook account.

If you did not request a new password, you may disregard this message or visit our Help Center at to learn more.

The Facebook Team

Gud Luck!!!

Ref :

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